Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Top Chef Las Vegas 10/7

Poor Ashley. Just when she starts to hit her stride, a bum dish sends her packing. She was never finalist material, but she wasn't the clear loser amongst the bottom chefs either.

I'm not sure what to think about Ash. As the judges pointed out, he seemed too eager to accept a fate as an also-ran. On the other hand, he was working with Michael, Michael is a better chef than Ash, and Ash knows it. He won't go much further if he keeps on thinking of himself as the #2 guy (not that he'll go much further anyway) but I can certainly understand his view.

Eli's kind of a dick, isn't he? Sure, Mike's a douche, but Eli is slowly turning into a real asshole. Going meta and thinking about this from purely a narrative standpoint, I'd guess that Mike will be eliminated soon and Eli will take his place as the show's villain. Again, purely from a narrative standpoint.

Power rankings!

1. Kevin
2. Jennifer
3. Bryan
4. Michael
5. Mike
6. Laurine
7. Eli
8. Robin
9. Ash

It's nearly impossible to rank the bottom four. Neither have been truly dreadful lately but neither have cooked anything to redeem themselves either. The top four remain as steady as ever, and Mike is Mike.

1 comment:

h said...

Methinks the producers encouraged Mike from Joisy to PLAY the villian. Hence the over-the-top rants in monologues. While Eli might really be a villian.