Sunday, October 11, 2009

Octoberfest But With Horror Movies Instead of Beer: week one

Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus: Not really a horror film, but you could lump it into the genre as a creature feature. I wish they'd made this movie in the 50's or 60's, because then there'd be some crappy octopus and shark puppets fighting each other in a pond and it would look hilarious. Instead, the filmmakers apparently blew the (scant) budget on crappy CGI, so all the fight scenes are dark and muddled and look recycled. The best parts, sadly, are in the now-classic trailer.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari: Like most really old movies, this 1920 B&W classic is more of an interesting curio than it is a gripping suspense film. The crazy sets are fun to look at, but could be equally appreciated by browsing through some stills. The ending is the only part that holds up.

Phantasm: Low-budget horror movies from the 70's were great at creating atmospheres of dread; Phantasm is no exception. There isn't much gore, and not many kills either, but the film's mood keeps it afloat. The script could've used some work - secondary characters appear and disappear, and the twist ending is unnecessary - but does a good job of making the audience wonder what sort of crazy crap is going to happen next.

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