Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Top Chef Las Vegas 10/28


Worst episode of the season by a long shot. It's not even close.

Take the Quickfire, for starters. The contestants were supposed to put their spin on TV dinners, using classic shows as inspirations. Only three of the dishes strongly related to the shows they were based off of. You can't blame Mike for not knowing how to do a Seinfeld-based dish, but Michael's Cheers-based dish was devoid of anything resembling pub/bar food. Only two dishes were reasonable facsimiles of what you'd find in the frozen foods section. Apparently you can put anything in a compartmentalized tray and claim that it's your take on a TV dinner. Lame.

Then comes the Elimination Challenge, which throws everyone for a loop by forcing them to cook vegetarian dishes using what's available in the kitchen of Tom Colicchio's Vegas steakhouse. Remember the vegan challenge from Top Chef Masters? That not only tested the flexibility of the chefs but also produced interesting dishes. However - I assume due to the limitations of what was in the restaurant's pantry - in this episode the dishes were by and large nothing but veggies on a plate. No fruits, no soups, no salads, barely any starches. If you enjoy watching six chefs make six vegetable dishes, boy have I got an episode for you.

Kevin sweeps, Robin survives, Jen continues her surprising self-destruction, and Mike gets the boot. Our favorite Jersey douchebag wasn't even that interesting this week, getting some half-hearted jabs at Robin in at the end and adopting a que sera sera attitude the entire time. I'll miss the scamp anyway.

Completely disinterested power rankings!

1. Kevin
2. Bryan
3. Michael
4. Eli
5. Jennifer
6. Robin

Next week: my dinner with Fabio!

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