Saturday, November 28, 2009

Liveblogging Twilight: Chapter 10

Sweet, another placeholder chapter. Twilight comes to a standstill whenever the "action" moves to Forks High - who am I kidding, the entire story is lugubriously paced but that's beside the point.

Edward, ever the gentleman, drives Bella to school. Edward mentions that he's "breaking all the rules now" by canoodling with her, which is unintentionally amusing. Girls love the bad boy in the biker gang, well this one is such a bad boy that even the biker gang can't handle him anymore!

A long day of gossiping with her dipshit friends awaits Bella, given that they saw Bella and Edward together over the weekend. Bella has the drop on them, though, because her new squeeze can read their minds. That is, she will if she can survive being in Edward's presence. "He paused to catch a stray lock of my hair that was escaping the twist on my neck and wound it back into place. My heart spluttered hyperactively." I'm no expert on anatomy but it sure sounds like Bella's heart is hemorrhaging blood while simultaneously beating arrhythmically. There's almost collateral damage - "three people walking in the door stopped to stare at" Bella and Edward. I'm imagining a Three Stoges-style collision nearly being averted but that's just life at Forks High.

Bella has a great chance to turn the tables on Edward, but of course she blows it. She knows he's eavesdropping when she tells Jennifer about her "date" with Edward, so when she mentions how the waitress was gawking at him but he ignored her, she does so slightly toyingly. It's the first spark of life from her in the entire book. The rest of the time, though, she worries too much about what Edward is picking up. Bella's remark that she thinks she likes Edward more than he likes her proves to be a bone of contention during their lunch together, although since this is a Bella/Edward conversation it's predictably coma-inducing. For the record, she's wrong, but Edward isn't going to win World's Most Passionate Lover anytime soon, especially because he's intentionally distancing himself from Bella. Somehow this makes her fall for him even more.

There's also the usual bits about everyone in the cafeteria staring at them and Bella being unable to function in Edward's presence. It's not my fault this crap isn't fun to summarize.

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