Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Top Chef All-Stars power rankings: 12/1

1. Angelo
2. Richard
3. Dale T.
4. Antonia
5. Jennifer
6. Jamie
7. Tre
8. Carla
9. Tiffany
10. Marcel
11. Dale L.
12. Casey
13. Spike
14. Tiffani
15. Mike
16. Fabio
17. Stephen

Not a lot of major changes to note. Spike has a good chance of doing what he did during his season; being just competent enough to not get eliminated, but never excelling. It's too soon to tell whether mid-level chefs with strong dishes (Jamie, Mike) are stronger overall, or if they simply learned from their one fatal mistake. The strong Chicago cast has a predictably strong showing. Stephen looks lost. Jennifer couldn't cook well under pressure in Las Vegas, and this season is all pressure. Fabio spent too much time shilling for Bravo and not enough time in the kitchen. Do the producers actually have the stones to paint good guy Richard as a villain, or did he just inadvertently slip up by going over his alloted time?

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