Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Top Chef Las Vegas... eh, whatever

No power rankings, no in depth-analysis (not that I've done any so far, anyway). Heck, I don't even know these people's names. There's Pale Chubby Beard Guy, French Guy, Douchey McDouchington, the Jew, etc. It's a fools errand talking about the first episode of a reality show like Top Chef because half the fun is talking about the contestants and their personalities, and we hardly know who these people are. All I know is that this slate of contestants has more ink than a Bic factory.

That said, I'm glad Stretched-Out Earlobe Lady got booted because I can't stand the sight of those things.

Also: none of the women have been outed so far, but I'm guesstimating that two of them are totally gay.

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