Sunday, April 3, 2011

Disconnected thoughts on The Killing: "Pilot" and "The Cage"

- Maybe crime dramas set in the Pacific Northwest aren't for me. The pilot to Twin Peaks didn't rope me in, and the first two episodes of The Killing I stuck with based on critical opinion and the fact that AMC does no wrong. (I bailed on Rubicon after the first episode and it apparently got better so what do I know)

- Rain should get first billing in the cast.

- I seem to be the only one who doesn't like Mireille Enos as the lead. She looks like she's 25 and should be working on her MFA in poetry, not a homicide detective. Joel Kinnaman as her shifty partner, though? Brilliant. If I keep watching the series, it will be because of him. Case in point: the scene with the two soccer players.

- I immediately recognized Jasper's house as Daniel Greystone's from Caprica (both series were shot in Vancouver). And yet I don't remember half of what I learned in college.

- Better know a character actor: Eric Laden, who plays the douchey assistant to Darren Richmond (Billy Campbell), also plays Betty Draper's douchey brother on Mad Men.

- Seriously, enough with the goddamn rain already.

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