Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Top Chef All-Stars: week 10 power rankings

Angelo, gone so soon? I thought they would've chucked Tiffany (one of the lesser of the remaining chefs) or Carla (honestly, she deserved it more), but Angelo? Admittedly, he peaked early, but he deserved to last a few episodes longer - certainly longer than his partner in bromance, Mike, who looked heartbroken that his new bestie would no longer be on the show. Ten bucks says he starts the next episode shedding some man tears.

1. Dale
Dale is back! He's taken three of the past four Quickfires, and won tonight's Elimination Challenge to boot. It's the first Quickfire/Elimination Challenge sweep since last season's penultimate episode. And he ramped up the douchiness this episode too, which is always a plus.
2. Antonia
Doing a hundred egg dishes takes guts. Antonia has them.
3. Richard
Demerits for making a Quickfire dish that was not a cookie under any current, historical, or future definition of the term. Credits for making a good dish in the Elimination Challenge that wasn't a soup. By the way, it's no coincidence that the strongest three chefs left were all in the Chicago edition of Top Chef.
4. Carla
Carla's dottiness means that when she falls, she falls big.
5. Mike
His performance tonight was identical to his performance all season: neither good enough to be up for a win nor bad enough to be up for elimination. Every remaining cheftestant has faced the judges at least twice as many times as he has.
6. Tiffany
Prolonging the inevitable.

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