Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Awesomely awesome takedown of Taylor Swift's music


Autostraddle appears to be a lesbian pop culture blog so it's no surprise that I'd never heard of it before, and that I probably won't make it regular reading since I'm not its target audience. But this unabashedly anti-Swift, pro-Gaga article has everything I wanted to read, plus an infographic!

You should read it too, of course, but here are the highlights.

"Taylor Swift the Person is, obviously, a good human being."

"Taylor Swift is a feminist’s nightmare."

"When Beyoncè was Swift’s age, she was onstage with Destiny’s Child, proclaiming: 'The house I live in / I’ve bought it / The car I’m driving / I’ve bought it / All the women who are independent / Throw your hands up at me!'”

"Why does Swift seem, at 20, a decade younger than [23-year-old] Lady Gaga?"

"Taylor, look at Lady Gaga in that bathtub [ref] and tell me that you’re the one in the bleachers:"

"That’s right. All Abigail had was her hymen."

"Lady Gaga is viscous hungry sex in hellfire. She’s more theatrical than Broadway and every night she sings in romantic open fists. Lady Gaga opens her dress, extracts her gut, assembles it in shapes splashed in sinister glitter and then shatters her dangerous violent diamonds onto the piano and screams FIRE and it sounds like bad romance."

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