Sunday, January 3, 2010

Twiveblogging update

So, here's the deal. I finished reading Twilight before the end of the 2009. It's a really fast read (shocker), which makes chapter-by-chapter recaps somewhat laborious. When you can knock out a chapter or two each day just on your lunch break and the train ride home it's easy to fall behind, even when writing about one chapter each day.

Writing about Twilight is also highly subject to the law of diminishing marginal returns. The rising action isn't a steady climb so much as a plateau followed by a sharp incline. After a while there's only so much you can write about Bella learning more about Edward while falling more deeply in love with him/describing him in excruciatingly fawning detail. And that's essentially the entire middle portion of the book.

The most enjoyable part of Twilight isn't it's plotting, anyway. It's the constant stream of adjectives used to describe how perfect Edward is, or how Meyer's writing never seems quite right, or how Bella becomes more insufferable by the page. God knows there's little going on thematically to write about. Twilight is all about the experience of reading it, just as it's more fun to make fun of a bad movie with your friends while watching it than it is to describe that movie to them afterwards.

And yet, to stop writing about it at this point would be giving up.

I feel that I must continue. Quicker than before, summarizing a few chapters each in a post, perhaps. For while Twilight may not be fascinating page-by-page, there is still plenty to talk about.

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